Sunday 18 January 2015

Resolution for January 2015: Waking up @ 6.30am

My 30 Day Challenge is to wake up at 6:30am everyday.

Give 2 fresh, productive hours to focus on priorities like meditating, exercising and writing.

  • Obsessively surfing the net >> shower/clean instead
  • Sleeping late because I don't feel "relaxed" >> Shower to wind down & rest of relaxation in the morning :)
  • iphone alarm doesn't ring because battery is off >> iphone fully charged at bedtime
  • Postponing errands till bed time >> Errands in the morning

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Day # 3

I forgot to post last night but doing it now :)

It was a good day all in all. I got work done and got people to agree to my proposal! I also highlighted some stuff that is important. I was relaxed all day too.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Day # 2

Reflection: Every time I lose something - my health, my relationship - that's when I realize how valuable it was. I wonder how long I can live losing and then clutching at what is left...

On a happier note, I was a monster with work and did not let it stress me out. Lunch spent catching up with an old friend T (and not sitting at my desk over-thinking everything) was a super boost. T has such an amazing mind, I think she'll be one of the most successful people I know. Gotta hope her attitude rubs off :)

In other news, after years of ineffectual prodding by my dad to learn to invest, I am super excited about it. I love the idea of earning a good chunk from doing nothing :D 

Monday 22 September 2014

Day # 1

Financial Goal: Am gonna earn 25 Lakhs a year in interest by the time I am 33.